Customers and Users


Creating a User

  1. Navigate to the Users admin page by clicking Users under the Settings category from the Shuup Admin menu.

  2. Click the New User button on the Users admin toolbar.

  3. Enter a valid username and password for the user as well as any other user information, including the Staff User checkbox. A Staff user has the ability to login in the admin panel.

  4. Then click the Save button in the to create the user account.



Unless they have a Staff status and the Send email confirmation box is checked, a user won’t automatically receive notice that an account has been created for them.

Instead, if you would like to notify a user, send a password-reset email.

See Sending Password-Reset Emails.

Creating a User From a Saved Contact

  1. Navigate to the Contacts admin page by clicking Contacts under the Contacts category from the Shuup Admin menu.

  2. Select the contact for which you want to create a user account.

  3. Click the Options button on the Contact admin toolbar and select New User.

  1. Enter the new user’s username and password information and click Save to create the user account, which will now be associated with the selected contact information.


    See Creating a User for more information.

Managing User Passwords

Changing User Passwords

  1. Navigate to the Users admin page by clicking Users under the Settings category from the Shuup Admin menu.

  2. Select the user whose password you want to change.

  3. Click the Actions button on the user admin toolbar and select Change Password from the dropdown menu.

  4. Enter the current and new passwords in the Change User Password form and click Save in the toolbar to save the new password.

Sending Password-Reset Emails

  1. Navigate to the Users admin page by clicking Users under the Settings category from the Shuup Admin menu.

  2. Select the user whose password you want to change.

  3. Click the Actions button on the user admin toolbar and select Send Password Reset Email from the dropdown menu.

  4. On the next screen, click Send Reset Email to send the user a password reset email.


Editing User Permissions


Use caution when granting users administrative permissions.

  1. Navigate to the Users admin page by clicking Users under the Settings category from the Shuup Admin menu.

  2. Select the user whose permissions you want to edit.

  3. Click the Actions button on the user admin toolbar and select Edit Permissions from the dropdown menu.

  4. Check the permission levels that want to grant the user and click the Save button to save the user’s permissions.


See Permission Groups for more information on how to create and manage Permission Groups.

Deactivating a User

When users are deactivated, they remain in your system however they will no longer be able to log in to their account and by default are not displayed when first opening the Users admin page.


If a user has an associated contact, deactivating the user’s user account will not deactivate their contact, although it will prevent them from logging in, essentially accomplishing the same thing.

See Deactivating a Contact for more information.

To deactivate a user:

  1. Navigate to the Users admin page by clicking Users under the Settings category from the Shuup Admin menu.

  2. Select the user you want to deactivate.

  3. Click the Deactivate User button on the user admin toolbar.

  4. The user will now be deactivated, and the Deactivate User button will be replaced with an Activate User button.


The same steps can be followed to activate a deactivated user.

Permission Groups

Permission groups can be used to restrict access to different sections of the Shuup admin for staff-level users. Superusers have unrestricted access to any section.

Creating a Permission Group

  1. Navigate to the Permission Groups admin page by clicking Permission Groups under the Shops category from the Shuup Admin menu.

  2. Click the Create New Permission group button on the Permission Group admin toolbar.

  3. Enter a name for the group, select any users that should be members of this group. You can also set the group for a user while editing it.


4. go through all the permissions sections and check the features you want to give permission.



On every permission section, you will see Module permission and Features permissions. If you give the Module permission, it will tell to Shuup that the user can access the module as a whole. Users will be able to access the module through the main menu for example.

You can also give specific features permissions that will enable users to create, delete, list objects and other features that the module provides. You can give permission for the features and have the Module permission disabled at the same time. Disabling the module permission won’t interfere on the feature permission as they are complements of each other.

One example for this is when you want to allow users to create customers while they are creating an order, but you don’t want them to access the customer list through the main menu. On this case you disable the customer module permission and enable the customer edit feature permission.


The buttons Select all permissions and Deselect all permissions will check or uncheck all the permissions which can be helpful when you want to disable just a few permissions for the user.

  1. Click Save to save the permission group settings.

See Editing User Permissions for more information on how to set specific permissions for a single User.


Shuup contacts store contact information such as address data, email, or phone numbers, and a contact may or may not be associated with a user account.

Contacts may be one of the two following types:

Person contact
Contact associated with a person.
Company contact
Contact associated with a company.

One or more person contacts may be members of a company contact.

However, if a user has a contact associated with their account, it must always be a person-type contact, which may then be a member of one or more company contacts.

If a user’s person contact is linked to a company, the company’s contact information will be used when placing orders.

Creating a Contact

  1. Navigate to the Contacts admin page by clicking Contacts under the Contacts category from the Shuup Admin menu.

  2. Click the New Person or the New Company button on the Contacts admin toolbar.

  1. Enter all basic details for the contact, including any required fields.

  2. Click the Save button to create the contact.

Editing a Contact

  1. Navigate to the Contacts admin page by clicking Contacts under the Contacts category from the Shuup Admin menu.

  2. Select the contact that you want to edit.

  3. Click the Edit button in the contact admin toolbar.

  4. Edit the user’s information.

  5. Click the Addresses tabs on the left-hand side of the screen to enter billing and shipping address information for the contact.

  6. Click Save to save the contact’s information.

    See Creating a Contact for more information.

Editing Company Membership

  1. Navigate to the Contacts admin page by clicking Contacts under the Contacts category from the Shuup Admin menu.

  2. Select the company contact whose membership you want to edit.

  3. Click the Edit button in the contact admin toolbar.

  4. Under the Members field input, type the name of the person contact you wish to add to the company. When the name appears in the dropdown, click to add to the input field.

  5. Click save to update the company’s memberships.

Creating a Contact From a User Account

  1. Navigate to the Users admin page by clicking Users under the Settings category from the Shuup Admin menu.

  2. Select the user whose permissions you want to edit.

  3. Click the Actions button on the user admin toolbar and select Create Contact from the dropdown menu.

  4. Fill in the user’s contact information, including any required fields, then save to create a saved contact for the user.

  1. The contact will now be created and you will be taken to the new contact’s admin page.

    Click the user’s username to go back to the user’s admin page.

Deactivating a Contact

When contacts are deactivated, they remain in your system however they will no longer be able to log in to their account and by default are not displayed when first opening the Contacts admin page.


If a contact has an associated user, deactivating the user’s contact will not deactivate their user account, although it will prevent them from logging in, essentially accomplishing the same thing.

See Deactivating a User for more information.

To deactivate a contact:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts admin page by clicking Contacts under the Contacts category from the Shuup Admin menu.

  2. Select the contact you want to deactivate.

  3. Click the Deactivate Contact button on the contact admin toolbar.

  4. The contact will now be deactivated, and the Deactivate Contact button will be replaced with an Activate Contact button.


The same steps can be followed to activate a deactivated contact.

Contact Groups

In Shuup, contacts can be placed into different contact groups. These groups can then be targetted for campaigns, discount pricing, or custom behaviors.

Creating a Contact Group

  1. Navigate to the Contact Groups admin page by clicking Contact Groups under the Contacts category from the Shuup Admin menu.

  2. Click the Create new button in the Contact Groups toolbar.

  3. Select a name for your contact group.

  1. Click the Save button to save your contact group.

    Once the contact group has been saved, two new tabs will be automatically added to the group’s admin page–a Members tab and one or more Sales Range tabs.

Editing Group Membership

View Contact Group Membership

Adding a Contact

  1. Navigate to the Contact Groups admin page by clicking Contact Groups under the Contacts category from the Shuup Admin menu.

  2. Select the contact group whose membership you want to edit.

  3. Click the Add Members tab on the left-hand side of the screen.

  4. Click the Select Contact button on an empty row to launch the Contact selector popup.

  1. Select the contact you want to add from the Contact popup selector.

  1. If there are no blank contact rows, click the Add more button to add a blank contact row.
  1. Repeat as necessary to add more contacts, then click Save to save the contact group.

Removing a Contact


Contacts can only be removed from a contact group via the admin page for each contact you wish to remove.

  1. Navigate to the Contacts admin page by clicking Contacts under the Contacts category from the Shuup Admin menu.

  2. Select the contact that you want to remove from your group.

  3. Click the Edit button in the contact admin toolbar.

  1. Find the contact group whose membership you wish to edit in the Contact Groups list, click the x button on the contact group, and click Save to update the contact’s group membership.

Creating a Sales Range

Contact group sales ranges can be used to automatically assign customer contacts to contact groups based on their sales totals.

This can be useful if you want to target different sales levels for special campaigns or offer special discounts or promotions.

  1. Navigate to the Contact Groups admin page by clicking Contact Groups under the Contacts category from the Shuup Admin menu.

  2. Select the contact group to which you want to add a sales range.

  3. Click the (Shop Name) - Sales Ranges tab on the left-hand side of the screen, where (Shop Name) is the name of the shop to associate with the sales range.

  4. Enter a minimum and maximum value for the group’s sales range.



    Leave the maximum value blank to set no maximum for the group.

    Set the minimum value to 0 to set no minimum for the group.

  5. Click Save to save the contact group sales range. Contact group membership will automatically update based on customers’ sales totals.


Try creating a contact group for customers within a sales range value and target them for special discounts and promotions.